Omar was born in Manchester in May 1982 to Pakistani parents, and the family moved to Copenhagen in 1983 which is where he grew up. He then moved back to England in 2004. He is proficient in Danish, English, Urdu/Hindi, Punjabi, and Arabic. He is an avid reader of world literature, a life-long cinephile, and has incorrigible obsessive-compulsive tendencies. In his spare time, he likes to keep active by working out, cycling, and playing basketball. He also likes to visit museums, cemeteries, and historic villages.
Want to collaborate?
If you are a specialist in philosophy (in particular, existentialism, philosophy of religion, epistemology, and philosophy of the arts and science), comparative religious studies (including scriptural exegesis). spirituality, literature (especially, English, Danish, Urdu, and Arabic), history, anthropology, sociology, linguistics, biology, medical sciences, holistic health, or botany, or if you are a musician, dancer/choreographer, creative writer, psychologist, filmmaker, or artist who wants to collaborate, do get in touch using the form below.